Saturday, December 18, 2010

Proof That Christopher Lawell Owns MiyaBot and Is Therefore VegasChris

Some more has been discovered about MiyaBot, the chatbot sold by VegasChris of, the man who was once a VP of a mortgage company and now markets porn on the internet by means of hiring people to post fake dating ads on Craigslist. On the site, which now has nothing but a default website page, there was once a source code repository for a Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (a collection of software development projects) with the name MiyaBot. It no longer exists but is still partly viewable in Google's cache.

The MiyBot solution was located at (Click to enlarge)

In the screen shot above, see that the URL given for the solution file was

In this path, there is a directory called svn, which stands for Apache Subversion, the name of the source code control system being used here. It's standard practice in using Subversion to create your source code repositories in directories underneath this one. The source code repository in this case happens to be called CLI, which just happen to be the initials of Christopher Lawell Inc.

Well, it was discovered that the person who owned this server is a computer programmer who was one of Chris Lawell's Facebook friends. It was thought that he was the person who created MiyaBot. We contacted him and asked him how he was involved with Christopher Lawell. This is a screen shot of part of the conversation. His name, picture, and other identifying information were blanked out since he doesn't want to be associated with any illegal activities.

Conversation about Chris Lawell

More of the conversation

So this person confirms that Chris Lawell is the owner of MiyaBot, which means that Chris Lawell is VegasChris of

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